I want to get some data from html tags in a web page. For example I have a web site that\'s got \"www.example.com/test.html\", this is text which I want to split. I want to firs
If you give the controls an id and set them to runat="server" you should be able to reference them directly in your code.
So your page should look like this:
<a id="myanchor" runat="server" class="tablolinkmetin" target="_blank" href="http://www.iwantthisurl.com/test/2010/subat/12022010_adli_krrnme.htm">
<img alt=icon src="images/icon/ok.gif" border=0 width="7" height="8">
<span class=tablolink>
<span id="firstSpan" runat="server" class="genelgeler_mbaslik">I want this text.</span>
<span id="secondSpan" runat="server" class="tablolinkaltyazi"><br>and i want here</span>
<img src="images/icon/cizgi.png" width="260" height="1"><br>
you need to have a look at:
here is the sample from codePlex.com
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.Load("file.htm"); foreach(HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//a[@href"]) { HtmlAttribute att = link["href"]; att.Value = FixLink(att); } doc.Save("file.htm");
Hope this helps