I have a many-to-many relationship between Supermarket, Product and Brand through the Supply- and Origin-mod
Here, I might have supply belong to origin instead of product.
Also, think about whether you need SpecificCombination. What operations are you going to do with it? Are you going to list all the SpecificCombinations in your database? Are you going to search to find a specific one? Are you going to create a new combination?
Then think if these operations can be done simply with the other classes?
class Supermarket < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :supplies
has_many :origins, :through => :supplies
def self.choice
Supermarket.all.map { |supermarket| [ supermarket.name, supermarket.id ] }
class Supply < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :origin
belongs_to :supermarket
class Origin < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :supplies
belongs_to :brands
walmart = Supermarket.create(:name => "Walmart");
cornflakes = Product.create(:name => "Corn Flakes");
kellogs = Brand.create(:name => "Kellog's");
walmart.origins.create(:product_id => cornflakes, :brand_id = kellogs)