How can I store the text value of a div once and use this throughout a cypress test?
Thus far I\'ve managed to do this by nesting the bulk of my test\'s logic within the
In cypress to store the values, you need to use aliases Because of the asynchronous nature of cypress const value = cy.get('div').text()
will not give you your expected output.
Cypress Values and Aliases
You need to use aliases to achieve what you need. but as you have mentioned in the question if you are going to use the aliases in the same test case that you are creating it you need to use .then
. Because as I mentioned earlier cypress execution is asynchronous so if you use the alias like mentioned below, it will not give you the expected output.
it("test",function (){
//this is wrong
The correct way would be,
it("test",function (){
cy.get('div').invoke('text').as('value').then(() => {
And the second thing to keep in mind is when you use aliases when you write hooks (it) don't use arrow functions if you wish to use previously created aliases. so it("test",() => {})
will not work but it("test", function(){})
will work.
According to your question, you can use aliases like this,
//Lets create aliases in test01, test02 and test03
before("test01",() => {
it("test02",() => {
cy.get('div').then($el => {
it("test03",() => {
//let's create use those created aliases in another test
//remember - NO arrow functions to create hooks when using aliases
it("test04", function(){
const variable = this.var3
//All the above commands will log the expected innerText values
Hope this is what you were looking for.
Your code will not work as you are not doing the operation within chain. Cypress works in promise chain and that's how the architecture is.... You have to pass on values to chain and do the operation accordingly.
It will work like below.
return cy.get(`.locatorClassName`).then(ele => {
return ele.text()
}).then(eleValue => {