I want to pass a complex object between activity and fragments as well as fragments and fragments. Currently, the main activity create a fragment input object and set that as a
If your fragments attach to same activity, you can store your objects in activity and access to objects like below:
If you are storing your objects in bundle in you activity i recommand to call the code sample i gave above in onActivityCreated() method of your fragments to avoid null pointer exception.
If you want to pass your objects between activities or fragments in bundle. You should implement Parcelable to your objects and pass them.
What's Parcelable? http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Parcelable.html
Parcelable is more efficient but you can check Serializable: http://developer.android.com/reference/java/io/Serializable.html
It's not a good design to pass large objects in bundle.
Also you can pass your objects with interfaces or you can pass them with bus events. You can check Guava or OttoBus. http://square.github.io/otto/
In this case you can use static holder (it's a bit similar to a singleton pattern).
Create a new class
public class Holder
private static FragmentInput input = null;
public static void setInput(FragmentInput value) { this.input = value; }
public static FragmentInput getInput() { return input; }
In your main activity, after you create your new FragmentInput object hold it on the Holder
And you can access it anywhere, simply call
FragmentInput myInput = Holder.getInput();