Funny thing: when I edited your question (imports at the beginning), it wouldn't let me save the edit because of the title :"Kivy not working" (it had to be changed). I find that more than OK, since Kivy is working, the problem is on your side. What I don't understand is: why that title was allowed in the first place.
The error stands out:
pil - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL'
This is quite common. Pillow (formerly known as PIL), is one of Kivy's dependencies.
Check [Kivy]: Installation on Windows - Installing the kivy stable release, for more details, paying attention to the python -m pip install ...
One of them will install Pillow - or if that doesn't happen (although it shouldn't), install it manually: python -m pip install pillow
(might apply to other packages as well).