I need to use my API to delete some entities, I create my controller, my methods, the routes. They works fine, all the get and put/patch method works, but with the delete one I
When you are posting to the Delete url, make sure you have this data in your post request:
this is just like an input field e.g:
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="delete">
try this package CORS Middleware for Laravel 5
Method not allowed is an HTTP Status code 405, and it usually translates to the lack of HTTP Verb matching that endpoint
Edit: Also, check this
All of these SHOULD mean different things and DO different things. If you make a Request to the last url but the url isn't registered (on your routes files or wherever you place them), then that's the error it returns because it matches the name but not the verb
POST url.com/user
GET url.com/user
PUT url.com/user
PATCH url.com/user
DELETE url.com/user