I\'m stuck, I\'ve written a code that looks for specific index in xml file. But when find that Index won\'t create me a new xml file with just that Index in and constant paramet
I solved it! :D Insted of xml.etree.ElementTree modul I use xml module and insted of ObjectDictionary.remove(Variable) I use Variable.clear()
I use lxml module
from lxml import etree as ET
tree = ET.parse('master.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
s = input('Insert a number of index and add quotes(") befor and after: ')
i = int(s, 16)
for MagicNumber in root.findall('MagicNumber'): #constant parameters
print MagicNumber.tag,':', MagicNumber.text
for FileInfo in root.find('FileInfo'):
print FileInfo.tag,':', FileInfo.text
for DeviceInfo in root.find('DeviceInfo'):
print DeviceInfo.tag,':', DeviceInfo.text
for DummyUsage in root.find('DummyUsage'):
print DummyUsage.tag,':', DummyUsage.text
for ObjectDictionary in root.find('ObjectDictionary'):
print ObjectDictionary.tag,':', ObjectDictionary.text, name
print'' #constant parameters
for Variable in ObjectDictionary.iter('Variable'): #searching for Variables in index
if Variable.find('./Index').text == str(i):
print 'Variable name: ', Variable.attrib['name']
elif Variable.find('./Index').text != str(i):
Variable.clear() #insted of ObjectDictionary.remove(Variable)
for Record in ObjectDictionary.iter('Record'): #searching for Records in index
if Record.find('./Index').text == str(i):
print 'Record name: ', Record.attrib['name']
elif Record.find('./Index').text != str(i):
Record.clear() #insted of ObjectDictionary.remove(Record)
for Array in ObjectDictionary.iter('Array'): #searching for Arrays in index
if Array.find('./Index').text == str(i):
print 'Array name: ', Array.attrib['name']
elif Array.find('./Index').text != str(i):
Array.clear() #insted of ObjectDictionary.remove(Array)
tree.write('output.xml') #create a new xml file
In new xml file is now left just tags of variables,records and arrays.
<Group name="OptionalObjects">
Have anybody any idea how to solved out this (I hope) last problem?