Using Visual Studio 2013 and the Window Phone 8 SDK I cannot get the SelectedItem
property of the LongListSelector
to properly bind to an MVVM property
To get the item that was selected to the ViewModel, I'm always using a LongListSelector Extension - the code can be found here:
What you need to do is add it to the XAML of your LongListSelector:
<phone:LongListSelector x:Name="List" ext:LongListSelectorExtension.Command="{Binding *YOURVIEWMODELCOMMAND*}" />
The command on the viewmodel will receive the object type of your item source on the LongListSelector
Use bahavior
public class LongListSelectedItemBehavior : Behavior<LongListSelector>
public object SelectedItem
get { return (object)GetValue(SelectedItemProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedItemProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for SelectedItem. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedItemProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedItem", typeof(object), typeof(LongListSelectedItemBehavior), new PropertyMetadata(null));
protected override void OnAttached()
if (AssociatedObject != null)
AssociatedObject.SelectionChanged += AssociatedObject_SelectionChanged;
protected override void OnDetaching()
if (AssociatedObject != null)
AssociatedObject.SelectionChanged -= AssociatedObject_SelectionChanged;
private void AssociatedObject_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
SelectedItem = AssociatedObject.SelectedItem;
<phone:LongListSelector Margin="0,0,-22,0"
ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
<local:LongListSelectedItemBehavior SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}" />