I am developing a Kubernetes service for deployment in Google Container Egine (GKE). Until recently, I have built Docker images in Google Cloud Shell, but I am hitting quota lim
The solution consisted of adding the scope storage-rw
to the instance (otherwise storage-r
applies by default):
gcloud compute images list \
--project google-containers \
gcloud compute instances create tmp \
--machine-type g1-small \
--image container-vm-v20160321 \
--image-project google-containers \
--zone europe-west1-d \
--scopes compute-rw,storage-rw
In addition, I also had to install kubectl
(like so) and configure it (like so), so overall this is quite a bite of a hassle. (Also the configuration will have to be updated when the cluster's endpoint changes e.g. after a recreation.)
But I can now use use a dedicated VM instance (such as tmp
) for development work on Docker images.
UPDATE Added scope compute-rw
, which is necessary e.g. for manipulating GCE addresses (as e.g. in gcloud compute addresses list