I am getting the following error in System Verilog with VCS synthesizer:
The following access has an invalid number of indices. bus[i]
Accessing an instances of an arrayed interface can only be accessed via a simulation constant (parameter, genvar, or hard-coded number). Data types and design elements both use dotted names to access there respected member or hierarchical-name, but the rules for accessing index arrays are different. Best description I can quickly find is in IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 23.6 Hierarchical names and § 23.7 Member selects and hierarchical names.
Here are two possible solutions:
Tri-state solution: floating if select is 0, x on the bit with multiple conflicting drivers.
module myMux
#(int unsigned WIDTH=3)
my_interface bus[WIDTH-1:0],
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] select,
output wire [31:0] out_data
for (genvar i=0; i < WIDTH; i++) begin : loop
assign out_data = select[i] ? bus[i].in_data : 'z;
Priority selector: using a local 2D array to map the interface instances. This map
can be accessed in an always block. If you are on FPGA, this is the better solution as it doesn't need tri-state.
module myMux
#(int unsigned WIDTH=3)
my_interface bus[WIDTH-1:0],
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] select,
output logic [31:0] out_data
logic [31:0] map [WIDTH];
for (genvar i=0; i < WIDTH; i++) begin : loop
assign map[i] = bus[i].in_data;
always_comb begin
out_data = 'x;
for(int unsigned i=0; i<WIDTH; i++) begin
if (select[i]) out_data = map[i];