I am working on a Java Project for my own learning, what i have made is a class which can both read and write to external process using Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
I am not aware of any tool that could help if package management tool does not report installation correctly. It could be that the some tools are installed but not updated the database.
It may be useful to check if your target executable exists in any directories in $PATH and standard location.
String pathString = System.getenv("PATH");
String[] dirs= pathString.split(':');
String[] exes= { "name1", "name2" ....};
for ( String exename : exes) {
for ( String dirname : dirs) {
File exeFile=new File( dirname, exename);
//do some checks if file exists etc.
If you already know the name of the software binary (which is usually the same to process name) you can use which
You can test it in bash/shell which firefox /usr/bin/firefox
Also I can supply you an example written in C# of bash output reading:
string output = string.Empty;
string output = string.Empty;
// Sets up our process, the first argument is the command
// and the second holds the arguments passed to the command
ProcessStartInfo ps = new ProcessStartInfo("bash");
ps.Arguments = "-c 'firefox'";
ps.UseShellExecute = false;
// Redirects the standard output so it reads internally in out program
ps.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
// Starts the process
using (Process p = Process.Start(ps))
// Reads the output to a string
output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
// Waits for the process to exit must come *after* StandardOutput is "empty"
// so that we don't deadlock because the intermediate kernel pipe is full.
// TODO manage errors
If the bash output is multi-line you can pre-filter it by piping to the grep command:
ps.Arguments = "-c 'cpuid | grep MySearchTerm'";
EDIT 1: Reply to comments
The major problem is the software installation, which requires "administrative" rights. I've tried to create a workaround, but the following line breaks all code:
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"/bin/bash","-c","'echo RIadminXsrv1 | sudo -S apt-get install telnet -qy'"});
While in terminal the following command will actually attempt to install telnet (you might have to insert your user into /etc/sudoers to reproduce it on your PC).
/bin/echo myUserPass | /usr/bin/sudo -S /usr/bin/apt-get install telnet -qy
In java it will simply print (echo
output) the remaining part of the command:
myUserPass | /usr/bin/sudo -S /usr/bin/apt-get install telnet -qy
This happens because we are simply executing /bin/echo
command with a lot of parameters.
I thought that it is possible to actually run the entire set of commands using bash:
bash -c '/bin/echo myUserPass | /usr/bin/sudo -S /usr/bin/apt-get install telnet -qy'
..but it's not, because bash -c '..'
in Java doesn't work like it should. It says that -c 'echo ...' script file can not be found, so I suppose that it misinterprets -c option.
BTW I have never had this kind of problem in Mono C#.
Here is the entire snippet:
package javaapplication1;
import java.io.*;
public class JavaApplication1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Process process;
String softwareToCheck = "telnet"; // Change here
System.out.println("Installing missing software..");
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"/bin/bash","-c","'echo RIadminXsrv1 | sudo -S apt-get install telnet -qy'"});
catch(InterruptedException e)
System.out.println("Software is still missing!");
System.out.println("Software is installed!");
catch(IOException e)
private static boolean _softwareExists(String binaryName) throws IOException
String line;
ProcessBuilder builder;
BufferedReader reader;
Process process;
builder = new ProcessBuilder("/usr/bin/which", binaryName);
process = builder.start();
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
catch(InterruptedException e) {
while ((line = reader.readLine ()) != null)
break; // Reads only the first line
return (line != null && !line.isEmpty());
In Ubuntu/Debian you can use :
dpkg -s packagname
to see if a package is installed. Then you can parse the output of the command in your app.