React Native - Flatlist Single Select

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北海茫月 2021-01-28 21:52

I\'ve been searching around how to make a single select in Flatlist but I can\'t find any, here in my code I\'am trying to make a single select on every cells t

  • 2021-01-28 22:32

    The TextInputs are targeting the same state SplOrder so, if you change it in any TextInput the others will display the same. The solution I see is to put an state for each item you create. You should do this:

                            placeholder = "Insert Special Request"
                            onChangeText = { (text) => this.setState({ ['SplOrder'+index]: text }) }
                            value = { this.state['SplOrder'+index] }

    The second problem we have discussed in the comments should be fixed by passing index parameter to incrementCount function.

    Hi, now in the method _incrementCount() you will have to pass the index and increment each count with it index as you have in the value of. So you could do

        onPress = {() => this._incrementCount(index)}>
        <Text> + </Text>

    And then change your _incrementCount method adding a parameter and doing like this:

    _incrementCount(index) {
        this.setState({ ['count'+index]: this.state['count'+index] + 1 });
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