I am trying to create chart by Get-CorpChart-FullEdition script, which I found very good in chart creation.
On the website I found below instruction.
expects an array of objects, not a hashtable.
If you wanted to use a hashtable I think you can if you call the .GetEnumarator()
which effectively sends each entry in the hash table across the pipeline as a separate object.
. "D:\Auto\Get-Corpchart-LightEdition.ps1" -data $active_inactive.GetEnumerator() -obj_key "Name" -obj_value "Value" -filepath "c:\chart1.png" -type pie
Looking at the code for the light edition of the script the parameter is expecting an [array]
and not a hashtable.
You would be better of creating your own custom objects from that hashtable's data depending on how complex your date would get.
Tonnes of ways to do this more effectively so the above is just an example.