So, I\'m familiar with Javascript, HTML, and Python. I have never learned PHP, and at the moment, I\'m banging my head against my desk trying to figure out what (to me) seems t
Whew! Ok, I got everything working. DirectoryIterator was pissing me off with its random print order. So I fell back to just glob and scandir. Those seem to print out a list "logically". To summarize, this bit of php will grab folders of images and turn each folder into its own lightbox gallery. Each gallery shows up as a hyperlink that triggers the lightbox gallery. I'm pretty happy with it!
So here's my final code:
function listAlbums(){
$directory = "./photos/";
//get all folders in specified directory
$folders = glob($directory . "*");
//get each folder item name
foreach($folders as $folderItem){
//check to see if the folderItem is a folder/directory
$count = 0;
$scanDir = scandir($folderItem);
foreach($scanDir as $file){
if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') continue;
$filePath = $folderItem."/".$file;
if ($count == 0){
echo '<a href="'.$filePath.'" data-lightbox="'.basename($folderItem).' "data-title="'.basename($folderItem)." ".strpbrk(basename($filePath, ".jpg"), '-').'">'.basename($folderItem).'</a>' . "<br/>";
echo "<div style='display: none'>" . "<br/>";
echo '<a href="'.$filePath.'" data-lightbox="'.basename($folderItem).' "data-title="'.basename($folderItem)." ".strpbrk(basename($filePath, ".jpg"), '-').'">'.basename($folderItem).'</a>' . "<br/>";
}echo "</div>";
Special thanks to Rasclatt for bearing with me through all of this and offering up a lot of hand-holding and help. I really appreciate it!
Try one of these, one is recursive, one is not:
// Recursive
function listAlbums($path = './photos/')
$objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
foreach($objects as $name => $object) {
echo rtrim($object,".");
$data = ob_get_contents();
$arr[] = $data;
return array_unique($arr);
// Non-recursive
function getAlbums($path = './photos/')
$objects = dir($path);
while (false !== ($entry = $objects->read())) {
if($entry !== '.' && $entry !== '..')
$arr[] = $path.$entry;
return $arr;
// I would use __DIR__, but not necessary
$arr = listAlbums();
$arr2 = getAlbums();
// Reverse arrays by key
// Show arrays
Ok, this is the best result i've gotten all night. This does 99% of what I need. But I still can't figure out this damn sort issue. This code will go through a list of directories, and create lightbox galleries out of the images in each folder. However, the first image is always the last one in the array, and I can't figure out how the heck to get it to sort normally! Check line 16 to see where I talking about.
function listAlbums(){
$directory = "./photos/";
//get all folders in specified directory
$folders = glob($directory . "*");
//get each folder item name
foreach($folders as $folderItem){
//check to see if the folderItem is a folder/directory
$count = 0;
foreach (new DirectoryIterator($folderItem) as $fileInfo) {
if($fileInfo->isDot()) continue;
$files = $folderItem."/".$fileInfo->getFilename();
if ($count == 0){ //This is where my issues start. This file ends up being the last one in the list. I need it to be the first.
echo '<a href="'.$files.'" data-lightbox="'.basename($folderItem).' "data-title="'.basename($files).'">'.basename($folderItem).'</a>' . "<br/>";
echo "<div style='display: none'>" . "<br/>";
echo '<a href="'.$files.'" data-lightbox="'.basename($folderItem).' "data-title="'.basename($files).'">'.basename($folderItem).'</a>' . "<br/>";
}echo "</div>";
I try your code and make simple changes and I am able to do what you want to get.
Here is my code ( copy of your code + Modify ) :
function listAlbums() {
$files = array();
if ($handle = opendir('./photos/')) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
//echo $entry . "<br/>";
$files[] = $entry;
// Sort your folder in ascending order
// Sort your folder in descending order [ code commented ]
// Check your photos folder has folder or not
if( !empty( $files ) ) {
// Show Your Folders
foreach ($files as $key => $folderName ) {
echo $folderName . "<br/>";
} else {
echo 'You have no folder yet in photos directory';
My Changes:
You can know more about this from sort-and-display-directory-list-alphabetically-using-opendir-in-php