I\'ve released an app which uses the Android Compatibility Library for Google Maps (https://github.com/petedoyle/android-support-v4-googlemaps) and I\'ve received some odd \"Una
I have the same bug and it seems that this error has no link with the usage of android-support-v4-googlemaps.
Take a look at this post :
MapView / MapActivity crash on some devices
I had this error when I used the compatibility library. What I had was the project which targeted Android API 15, but I wanted the minimum version to be Android API 8, so I needed a few things from the compatibility library. I have attached the library, but forgot to use imports
from it! When project was built, it was perfectly fine, but when I runned it on my phone which had Android 2.3.3 on it, it couldn't find some classes, because Android 2.3.3 just didn't have them!
So, I suggest you to delete all imports
, press Ctrl+Shift+O
and whenever there will be a choice to use a normal
Android build-in class or one from the compatibility library, always choose the second one.
Tell me if it helped!