The query below generates a line of DNA sequence
prepare dna_length(int) as
with t1 as (select chr(65) as s union select chr(67) union select chr(71) union select
Something like this?
select x, string_agg((array['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'])[1 + floor(random() * 4)], '')
from generate_series(1, 20, 1) gsn(n) cross join
generate_series(1, 10, 1) gsx(x)
group by x
Having worked with DNA content databases for quite some, and the scientists, that like to play with them (sequences that is), I recommend a slight extension to the query by @GordonLinoff. Hide your implementation behind a function which takes 2 parameters: the length of the sequence and the number of sequences desired. You can then get any (reasonable) sequence length and any (reasonable) number of them.
create or replace
function dna_sequence(
sequence_length integer
,number_of_sequences integer default 1 )
returns table (dna_strand text)
language sql
as $$
select string_agg((array['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'])[1 + trunc(random() * 4)], '')
from generate_series(1, sequence_length , 1) gsn(n)
cross join generate_series(1, number_of_sequences, 1) gsx(x)
group by x
-- test
select *
from dna_sequence(20,10) ;
select *
from dna_sequence(250) ;
select *
from dna_sequence(20,100)
where position ('AAA' in dna_strand) > 0;
NOTE: The query in the above function is quite literally copy/paste Gordon Linoff's original. Then modified with only 2nd parameter changed in each generate series to the appropriate parameter value.