I\'m having an annoying problem: I have a simple Chart with one ColumnSeries and two axis (a LinearAxis for the dependent value and a DateTimeAxis for the independent one). My C
Glancing at the source code for ColumnSeries
shows that the column width is related to the range of the data, which in your case is zero. Unless you want to fix bugs in the toolkit, the only workaround I can suggest is to surround your single point with dummy points to make it look like only one column is being shown:
var now = DateTime.Now;
Add(new DataPoint { Date = now, DependentValue = 5 });
Add(new DataPoint { Date = now + TimeSpan.FromDays(1), DependentValue = 0 });
Add(new DataPoint { Date = now - TimeSpan.FromDays(1), DependentValue = 0 });