Matlab interp2 extrapolation

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眼角桃花 2021-01-28 15:16

I am doing a 2-D interpolation using interp2. For some data values, the interp2 command returns NaN because one of the dimensions are outside of the range defined b

  • 2021-01-28 16:03

    Yes, there are two ways to get interp2 to return a meaningful value out of bounds according to the docs.

    1. Use the 'spline' interpolation method. Unlike option #2, this will actually extrapolate the data based on the boundary conditions of the spline.
    2. Specify a final extrapval parameter. This constant will be returned instead of NaN for all other interpolation methods.

    Unfortunately, there does not appear to be a way to specify something like "nearest neighbor on the grid" or something like that. If the out-of bounds elements are close to the edges, perhaps you could just expand the input array. For example like this:

    x = [x(1, 1), x(1, :), x(1, end); ...
         x(:, 1), x, x(:, end); ...
         x(end, 1), x(end, :), x(end, end)]
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  • 2021-01-28 16:15

    Hey please find my code for interp2 it just take max bound values;

    function vq = Linear2dInterpWithClipExtrap(x,y,v,xq,yq);
        vq = interp2(x,y,v,xq,yq);
        [XMax, idxVMax] = max(x);
        [XMin, idxVMin] = min(x);
        idxMax = xq > XMax;
        idxMin = xq < XMin;
       if ~isempty(yq(idxMax));
        vq(idxMax) = LinearInterpWithClipExtrap(y,v(:,idxVMax),yq(idxMax));
       if ~ isempty(yq(idxMin))
        vq(idxMin) = LinearInterpWithClipExtrap(y,v(:,idxVMin),yq(idxMin));
       [YMax, idyVMax] = max(y);
        [YMin, idyVMin] = min(y);
        idyMax = yq > YMax;
        idyMin = yq < YMin;
       if ~isempty(xq(idyMax));
        vq(idyMax) = LinearInterpWithClipExtrap(x,v(idyVMax,:),xq(idyMax));
       if ~ isempty(xq(idyMin));
        vq(idyMin) = LinearInterpWithClipExtrap(x,v(idyVMin,:),xq(idyMin));
    function vq = LinearInterpWithClipExtrap(x,v,xq);
        vq = interp1(x,v,xq);
        [XMax, idxVMax] = max(x);
        [XMin, idxVMin] = min(x);
        idxMax = xq > XMax;
        idxMin = xq < XMin;
        vq(idxMax) = v(idxVMax);
        vq(idxMin) = v(idxVMin


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