I have this input in JSON, I am having difficulty grouping things together:
\"PK\": \"123\",
\"SURNAME\": \"CHEN\",
\"SEX\": \
This is pretty much as close as OOTB Jolt can get. Note Jolt is for changing the structure of your data, not doing custom data mappings of things like "PHONE_TYPE": "04" means "Fax".
Transformed Output
"Customers" : [ {
"MatchingProfile" : {
"DBKey" : "123",
"Gender" : "F",
"LastName" : "CHEN",
"Birthdate" : "1962-08-29 00:00:00.0",
"Contacts" : [ {
"ContactType" : "05",
"Phone_Number" : "12312312",
"Status" : "INSERT"
}, {
"ContactType" : "04",
"Phone_Number" : "78787878",
"Status" : "UPDATE"
} ]
}, {
"MatchingProfile" : {
"DBKey" : "456",
"Gender" : "M",
"LastName" : "DEV",
"Birthdate" : "1953-06-06 00:00:00.0",
"Contacts" : [ {
"ContactType" : "05",
"Phone_Number" : "34343434",
"Status" : "INSERT"
}, {
"ContactType" : "02",
"Phone_Number" : "56565656",
"Status" : "DELETE"
} ]
} ]
Jolt Spec
// first pivot by the value of SURNAME
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": { // for each item in the array
"SURNAME": { // match SURNAME
"*": { // match any value of SURNAME
"@2": "&[]" // copy the whole record from 2 levels up to the SURNAME as an array, so we know that in the next step it is always an array
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": { // match CHEN or DEV
"0": {
// only pull pk, sex, dob from the first entry of the SURNAME array so as to not duplicate output
"PK": "Customers[#3].MatchingProfile.DBKey",
"SEX": "Customers[#3].MatchingProfile.Gender",
"SURNAME": "Customers[#3].MatchingProfile.LastName",
"DATE_OF_BIRTH": "Customers[#3].MatchingProfile.Birthdate",
// this does mean that the PHONE_TYPE has to be dealt with twice
// once for the zeroth item, and then once again for the rest
"PHONE_TYPE": "Customers[#3].MatchingProfile.Contacts[0].ContactType",
"PHONE_NO": "Customers[#3].MatchingProfile.Contacts[0].Phone_Number",
"OPERATION": "Customers[#3].MatchingProfile.Contacts[0].Status"
"*": {
// handle PHONE_TYPE and friends for the other records
"PHONE_TYPE": "Customers[#3].MatchingProfile.Contacts[&1].ContactType",
"PHONE_NO": "Customers[#3].MatchingProfile.Contacts[&1].Phone_Number",
"OPERATION": "Customers[#3].MatchingProfile.Contacts[&1].Status"
If if you find Jolt valuable for the pivot and the structure change, then your best bet is to "fixup" your input data array, aka map "PHONE_TYPE": "04" to "Fax", trim the 00:00:00 from the birthday, and then use Jolt to make the nested "Customers[].MatchingProfile.Contacts[]" structure.