I\'ve turned one of my user data entry forms into a uib-modal, but I get when I attempt to close the modal from the \"cancel\"button, I get this error: this.$modalInstance
When using the component
property of the $uibModal.open
method, use bindings instead of local injection:
app.component("fringeEdit", {
controller: "FringeEditController",
templateUrl: "/template/fringeEditTemplate.html",
bindings: { close: "&" }
Then use the bindings in the controller:
dismiss() {
this.close({$value: "closed"});
From the Docs:
$uibModal's open function
options parameter
component (Type: string, Example: myComponent)
- A string reference to the component to be rendered that is registered with Angular's compiler. If using a directive, the directive must have restrict: 'E' and a template or templateUrl set.It supports these bindings:
- A method that can be used to close a modal, passing a result. The result must be passed in this format:{$value: myResult}
For more information, see