I\'m using an ecommerce system called NopCommerce that implements a one page checkout system. This page asks users to fill out details like billing address / shipping address et
I do not know Nopcommerce, but looking at the demo it seems the individual steps are loaded via ajax using jquery, which means you can use global ajax event handlers to send a virtual pageview for each checkout step:
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function(event, xhr, settings ) {
url = settings.url.replace("https://mydomain.com","");
ga('send', 'pageview', url);
Untested, but I'm using something similar for the magento onepage checkout so I'm certain it will work (maybe needs a little tweaking).
In the global ajax handler callback settings.url stores the url that has beed called via ajax and since you pass a path to an Analytics virtual pageview, not the full url, you'd need to remove the protocol and host name from settings.url.