Currently I have this code which replaces any double space with a
It works as expected:
You can pass arrays to str_replace
$what[0] = ' ';
$what[1] = ' ';
$with[0] = '<br /><br />';
$with[1] = '|';
str_replace($what, $with, trim($result['garment_type'] ) )
The order of the array does matter otherwise you will get <br|/>
instead of <br />
so try:
str_replace(array(' ','||'), array('|','<br /><br />'), trim($result['garment_type'] ));
Something like this:
echo str_replace(array(' ','||'), array('|','<br /><br />'), 'crunchy bugs are so tasty man');
Gives you:
crunchy<br /><br />bugs|are|so<br /><br />|tasty|man
Basically you are changing each space first to |
then you are changing any that have two beside each other (||
) to <br /><br />
If you go the other way, you will change two spaces to <br /><br />
and then you are changing single spaces to |
and inbetween the <br />
there is a space, so you end up with <br|/>
EDIT with your code:
'<tr class="' . ($counter++ % 2 ? "odd" : "even") . '">
<td>' . str_replace(array(' ','||'), array('|','<br /><br />'), trim($result['garment_type'] )) . '</td>
To get around the issues with str_replace
(space in <br />
being replaced with |
) try strtr
echo strtr(trim($result['garment_type']), array(' '=>'|', ' '=>'<br /><br />'));
- 热议问题