I want to parse the JSON nested array into my decodable struct but the issue is there is no Key values how can i set into my decodable
To decode an array you need to get the unkeyedContainer()
and decode each value separately
let jsonString = """
struct PlayerData: Decodable {
let playerID: Int
let platIDRef: Int
let enrolledDateTime: Int
let playerType: Int
let lastCheckIn: Double
let serialNo: Int
let offered: Double
let playerReferralCode: Int
let playerStats: Double
let playerUpstream: Int
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
var arrayContainer = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
playerID = try arrayContainer.decode(Int.self)
platIDRef = try arrayContainer.decode(Int.self)
enrolledDateTime = try arrayContainer.decode(Int.self)
playerType = try arrayContainer.decode(Int.self)
lastCheckIn = try arrayContainer.decode(Double.self)
serialNo = try arrayContainer.decode(Int.self)
offered = try arrayContainer.decode(Double.self)
playerReferralCode = try arrayContainer.decode(Int.self)
playerStats = try arrayContainer.decode(Double.self)
playerUpstream = try arrayContainer.decode(Int.self)
The JSON can be decoded as [PlayerData].self
let data = Data(jsonString.utf8)
do {
let result = try JSONDecoder().decode([PlayerData].self, from: data)
} catch { print(error) }