I\'m working on my project which displays a list of employee. here, the information and picture of the employee will be shown. my project can now show the list of employees in t
You miss the where clause
is must be like to search a one employee to view there image.
adptr = _
New MySqlDataAdapter("select picture from Employees " + _
"where employee_id = " & lstEmployee.SelectedIndex, myConn)
cmd = New MySqlCommandBuilder
Dim lb() As Byte = dt.Rows(0).Item("picture")
Dim lstr As New System.IO.MemoryStream(lb)
pix.Image = Image.FromStream(lstr)
pix.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
P.S.: You must study the LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) for better approach.