I\'m particularly interested in high contrast text
, color correction
, and magnification
settings. I did some research online, couldn\'t fi
use this for color correction:
int color_correction_enabled = 0;
try { color_correction_enabled = Settings.Secure.getInt(this.getContentResolver(), "accessibility_display_daltonizer_enabled");
} catch (Exception e) {
color_correction_enabled = 0; // means default false }
Though reflection solution helps with some devices I was unable to get "isHighTextContrastEnabled" via reflection on my OnePlus 5 device. So I ended up with another method when reflection fails. Just rendering text on a bitmap and then manually checking if there is a specific color (different from black and white) in the bitmap (cause in "High Contrast" mode it will be black and white).
Here is the code in Kotlin:
private fun isHighTextContrastEnabledWithBmp(): Boolean {
val bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(10, 10, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val canvas = Canvas(bmp)
val testColor = Color.GREEN
val paint = Paint().apply {
color = testColor
textSize = 5f
canvas.drawText("1", 0f, 10f, paint)
val pixels = IntArray(bmp.width * bmp.height)
pixels, 0, bmp.width,
0, 0, bmp.height, bmp.width
val result = pixels.any { it == testColor }.not()
return result
What a did was
private fun checkForAcessibility(): Boolean {
try {
val accessibilityManager = context.getSystemService(Context.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE) as AccessibilityManager
val accessibilityManagerClass = accessibilityManager.javaClass
val isHighTextContrastEnabledMethod = accessibilityManagerClass.getMethod("isHighTextContrastEnabled")
val result: Any = isHighTextContrastEnabledMethod.invoke(accessibilityManager) ?: return AccessibilityEnabledValue.ERROR_QUERYING_VALUE
if (result !is Boolean) {
return AccessibilityEnabledValue.ERROR_QUERYING_VALUE
return if (result) {
} else {
} catch (e: Exception) {
return AccessibilityEnabledValue.ERROR_QUERYING_VALUE
enum class AccessibilityEnabledValue(val value: String) {
I've noticed that isHighTextContrastEnabled()
method does not contain parameters.
Maybe can be considered sloppy, using androidx.core:core-ktx
's getSystemService extension,
isHighTextContrastEnabled = try {
context.getSystemService<AccessibilityManager>()?.run {
(javaClass.getMethod("isHighTextContrastEnabled").invoke(this) as? Boolean)
} ?: false
} catch (e: Exception) {
AccessibilityManager am = (AccessibilityManager) this.getSystemService(Context.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE);
Class clazz = am.getClass();
Method m = null;
try {
m = clazz.getMethod("isHighTextContrastEnabled",null);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
Log.w("FAIL", "isHighTextContrastEnabled not found in AccessibilityManager");
Object result = null;
try {
result = m.invoke(am, null);
if (result != null && result instanceof Boolean) {
Boolean b = (Boolean)result;
Log.d("result", "b =" + b);
} catch (Exception e) {
android.util.Log.d("fail", "isHighTextContrastEnabled invoked with an exception" + e.getMessage());
and I do test, it return false, so it works