I\'ve got 2 android native audio instances in two of my views. I\'m trying to get the audio to stop when the user presses the back button and leaves the view as it\'s not happen
The idea of a custom event like MobileEvent.BACK_BUTTON_PRESSED
is that you can subscribe to it using an event handler.
For instance, if you create a layer and you want to close it when the user presses the back button:
public BasicView(String name) {
// create a custom layer
MobileApplication.getInstance().addLayerFactory("My Layer", () -> new Layer() {
private final Node root;
private final double size = 300;
root = new StackPane(new Button("A custom layer"));
root.setStyle("-fx-background-color: lightgreen;");
// Add event handler to listen to Android Back Button Pressed event, hiding the layer
addEventHandler(MobileApplication.MobileEvent.BACK_BUTTON_PRESSED, e -> {
public void hide() {
public void layoutChildren() {
if (!isShowing()) {
root.resize(size, size);
resizeRelocate(0, 0, size, size);
Button button = new Button("Show Layer");
button.setOnAction(e -> MobileApplication.getInstance().showLayer("My Layer"));
VBox controls = new VBox(15.0, button);
If you create a Single View project, use the snippet above, and deploy it on an Android device, you can verify that when you click the button the layer shows up, and if you hit the Android back button, it will close the layer.
Notice that if you hit it again, it will close the app: The home view already has a listener on this event, that's why the app gets closed. Or if you are in a secondary view, with this event you will return to the previous view.
While you can subscribe to this event at any point in your code, like I've done in the example above, there are already other events that you can track more easily. For instance, the LifecycleEvent events, like
HIDING`, are already used by all the Views.
So you can add to your custom view a listener to any of those events:
public BasicView(String name) {
Label label = new Label("This is a custom view");
VBox controls = new VBox(15.0, label);
setOnShowing(e -> System.out.println("Showing Event"));
setOnHiding(e -> System.out.println("Hiding Event"));
Note that in your case, you can easily find out when the user leaves the view, and then react accordingly calling the service to stop the audio:
setOnHiding(e -> {
Services.get(MyAudioService.class).ifPresent(service -> service.stop());