I have 2 similar queries that both look like this with only the table being switched from Treatment to Patient in the second query:
SELECT Treatment.Phys_ID AS P
You can use subqueries to add the charges at the Physician level:
SELECT Physician.Phys_ID AS Phys_ID, Physician.FName, Physician.LName,
(SELECT Nz(Sum(Treatment.Charge))
FROM Treatment WHERE Treatment.Phys_ID = Physician.Phys_ID) +
(SELECT Nz(Sum(Patient.Charge))
FROM Patient WHERE Patient.Phys_ID = Physician.Phys_ID) As Total Charge
FROM Physician;
Alternatively, you can use DSum (strictly an MS Access function and not ANSI SQL).
SELECT Physician.Phys_ID AS Phys_ID, Physician.FName, Physician.LName,
Nz(DSum("Charge", "Treatment", "Phys_ID =" & Physician.Phys_ID)) +
Nz(DSum("Charge", "Patient", "Phys_ID =" & Physician.Phys_ID)) As Total Charge
FROM Physician;