I have a React Component such as :
function callback(params){..
// I need to use this.setstate but this callback function is called
// from other component. How
I don't really understand the question. I don't know if this is what you mean, but if you want to save the 'this' temporary variable, then just create a global array or single variable to store the 'this'.
var thisTemp;
function callback(params){..
// use variable here
class RespProperties extends Component { ..
//Assign this to thisTemp
thisTemp = this;
You could separate this shared function, leaving it outside the components, then use bind
function callback(params){
this.setState({ works: true });
class RespProperties extends Component {
state = { works: false }
render = () => <button onClick={callback.bind(this)}>Click</button>
// ^ here we use .bind(this) to... well...
// bind `this` so we can use it in the function xD
class SomeOtherComponent extends Component {
state = { works: false }
render = () => <button onClick={callback.bind(this)}>I'm from some other component</button>