Duplicate of Product in Shopping Cart

前端 未结 2 636
-上瘾入骨i 2021-01-28 09:16

I have a simple problem in my shopping cart function. After i clicked the add to cart button, if it has the same product ID, it outputs a new product in a new row. It should jus

  • 2021-01-28 09:47

    It's been almost 2 years... But the solution is simple actually:

    First, try to spit out the name of your product on the console... the value has spaces ! ! !

    This means that the cart is adding the raw values without any processing, therefore the condition to match the name and price will never be true, hence the duplicates.

    Solution 1 (tedious): Trim spaces of all values prior to adding to the cart.

    Solution 2 (preferred): Don't add any spaces between the values and the HTML tags!

    "<strong class="item_price">price</strong>"
    <!-- "NOT -->
    "<strong class="item_price">

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  • 2021-01-28 09:49

    So currently your code is setup that you remove all the products when adding them to the product table, however you do not do the same when adding them to the cart. So just adding this would remove everything from your cart table

    Array.from(cartsTable.children).slice(1).forEach(entry => cartsTable.removeChild(entry));

    There are however some minor problems with your current code, nl:

    • If you add twice the same product id, you don't validate if the price or the description is the same
    • If you add products to the carts table, you only increase the quantity by 1, however, the product itself may have a higher quantity set, so you can fix it like this

      function addCart(product_id) {
        const product = products.find(p => p.id === product_id);
        const cartItem = carts.find(c => c.product === product);
        if(cartItem) {
          cartItem.qty += product.qty;
        else {
    • You could use <input type="number" /> for the product quantity

    • You could use <input type="number" step="0.01" /> for the price field
    • Upon removing an item from the products table, the product should no longer be available in the cart, so you should add a call to remove the product from the cart as well
    • You have 2 functions that create a table, both could be generalized to share the same functionality

    I have rewritten the function you are describing a bit, using an answer I had already given on another question which will create a table based on given columns and an array containing the data

    It still has the problem that it won't validate differences in the description / price when adding the same product, but it helps for all other problems I have mentioned.

    It might be a bit longer code, however, that is partly due to the table helper function which can do quite some things and might be overkill for the scenario you describe. It does however work, and made it a lot easier to integrate the table creation ;)

    // will reassign when items get removed
    let products = [];
    // will reassign when items get removed
    let cart = [];
    function addOrIncrease(item, targetContainer, equality = (i) => i.id) {
      let match = targetContainer.find(i => equality(item) === equality(i));
      if (match) {
        // this could actually be a problem, eg: description and price are not validated
        // you might need to make sure that a warning pops up in case the price is different
        match.qty += item.qty;
      } else {
        // didn't find so it gets added to whichever container
    // Gets the value of the elementId or a defaultValue
    function getValue( elementId, defaultValue ) {
      let elem = document.getElementById( elementId );
      if (!elem || !elem.value) {
        return defaultValue;
      return elem.value;
    // resets the value for an inputfield
    function resetValue( elementId ) {
      let elem = document.getElementById( elementId );
      elem && (elem.value = null);
    // adds a product to the list
    function addProduct() {
      let product = {
        id: getValue('productId', ''),
        description: getValue('productDescription', ''),
        qty: parseInt(getValue('productQty', 1)),
        price: parseFloat(getValue('productPrice', 0))
      if (product.id === '') {
        alert('Please enter a product id');
      addOrIncrease( product, products );
      resetValue( 'productId' );
      resetValue( 'productDescription' );
      resetValue( 'productQty' );
      resetValue( 'productPrice' );
    // adds an item to the cart
    function addToCart(itemId) {
      var product = products.find( p => p.id === itemId );
      if (!product) {
        alert('Couldn\'t find product');
      addOrIncrease( product, cart );
    // removes an item from the cart
    function removeFromCart(itemId) {
      cart = cart.reduce( (current, item) => {
        if (item.id !== itemId) {
        return current;
      }, []);
    // removes an item from the products list
    // while simultanously removing it from the shopping cart (as it is no longer in the product list)
    function removeFromProducts(itemId) {
      products = products.reduce( (current, item) => {
        if (item.id !== itemId) {
        return current;
      }, []);
      // remove it from the cart, as it is no longer in the products list
    // renders the products to the table
    // will re-render the full table each time
    function renderProducts() {
      createTable('products', products, [{
          title: 'id',
          field: 'id',
          class: 'left'
          title: 'description',
          field: 'description',
          class: 'left'
          title: 'quantity',
          field: 'qty',
          class: 'right'
          title: 'price',
          field: 'price',
          class: 'right'
          title: 'total',
          value: (i) => i.price * i.qty,
          class: 'right',
          template: '%0 €'
          title: 'action',
          field: 'id',
          class: 'center',
          template: '<button type="button" onclick="removeFromProducts(\'%0\');">Remove product</button>' +
            '<button type="button" onclick="addToCart(\'%0\');">Add to cart</button>'
    // renders the cart to the cart table
    // will rerender each time called
    function renderCart() {
      createTable('cart', cart, [{
          title: 'id',
          field: 'id',
          class: 'left'
          title: 'description',
          field: 'description',
          class: 'left'
          title: 'quantity',
          field: 'qty',
          class: 'right'
          title: 'price',
          field: 'price',
          class: 'right'
          title: 'total',
          value: (i) => i.price * i.qty,
          class: 'right',
          template: '%0 €',
          calculateTotal: true
          title: 'action',
          field: 'id',
          class: 'center',
          template: '<button type="button" onclick="removeFromCart(\'%0\');">Remove</button>'
    /* Helper function to create a table dynamically */
    /* Taken from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43924509/creating-an-html-table-using-javascript-and-json/43925208#43925208 */
    function createTable(target, data, columns) {
      // gets the elements required based on id for the target div
      // and creates the table, thead, tbody & tfoot for the table
      let element = document.getElementById(target),
        table = document.createElement('table'),
        thead = document.createElement('thead'),
        header = document.createElement('tr'),
        tbody = document.createElement('tbody'),
        tfoot = document.createElement('tfoot'),
        // totals is used for the totals for the footer
        totals = {};
      // creates the header
      for (const column of columns) {
        // and creates the cells in the header, adding title and class
        let cell = document.createElement('td');
        cell.innerHTML = column.title;
        cell.className = column.class;
      for (const item of data) {
        // creates the single rows
        let row = document.createElement('tr');
        for (const column of columns) {
          // and for each column creates the cell itself
          let cell = document.createElement('td');
          let value;
          // checks what to display
          if (column.field) {
            // only a property on the data
            value = item[column.field];
          } else if (column.value) {
            // a function with a callback value
            value = column.value(item)
          // if it should calculate totals, it will do so here
          if (column.calculateTotal) {
            // in case the column is unknown, it's initialized as 0
            // warning: all values will be whole numbers
            totals[column.field] = (totals[column.field] || 0) + parseInt( value );
          // if it has a template, we will replace the %0 with value
          // this template function supports only 1 value to be "templated"
          if (column.template) {
            value = column.template.split('%0').join(value);
          // set the cell value
          cell.innerHTML = value;
          // set the class (used to align, for example)
          cell.className = column.class;
          // add cell to row
        // add row to tbody
      // empty object would mean false, so only if totals needed to be calculated
      // would it create the footer here
      if (totals && data.length > 0) {
        let row = document.createElement('tr');
        for (const column of columns) {
          let cell = document.createElement('td'), value = '';
          if (column.calculateTotal) {
            value = totals[column.field];
            if (column.template) {
              // can still use the row template
              value = column.template.split('%0').join(value);
          cell.innerHTML = value;
          cell.className = column.class;
          row.appendChild( cell );
        tfoot.appendChild( row );
      // clear the target element
      element.innerHTML = '';
      // set the table on the target element
    // start of the application, create the 2 tables
    // and then it's up to the user
    .left {
      text-align: left;
    .right {
      text-align: right;
    thead tr {
      background-color: #777;
    thead tr td {
      font-weight: bold;
      color: #fff;
    tfoot tr td {
      font-weight: bold;
    table td {
      padding: 5px;
      border-bottom: solid #efefef 1px;
    .fields > div > span:first-child {
      display: inline-block;
      width: 120px;
    .fields > div {
      margin: 5px;
    <div class="fields">
        <span><input type="text" id="productId" placeholder="Item Id" /></span>
        <span><input type="text" id="productDescription" placeholder="Product description" /></span>
        <span><input type="number" min="1" id="productQty" placeholder="Quantity" /></span>
        <span><input type="number" min="0" step="0.01" id="productPrice" placeholder="Price" /></span>
      <button type="button" onclick="addProduct()">Add to product list</button>
    <div id="products">
    <h1>Shopping cart</h1>
    <div id="cart">

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