Let\'s say W = [1 3 5; 2 1 5; 6 9 1]
and K = [0.2, 0.5, 0.3]
How can I plot all elements in k with the same color exept those elements that have
You need to plot as two series. You can use the any/all functions to check the logical condition columnwise: since you want to check rowwise, we need to use the transpose of W.
exceptions = find(any(W' > 6));
normals = find(all(W' <= 6));
plot(exceptions, K(exceptions), 'b.')
hold on
plot(normals, K(normals), 'g.')
If you plot point-by-point you can change the color correspondingly, for example something like this:
for i = 1:size(W,2)
if find(W>6)~=0
plot(i,K(i),'xb');hold on
plot(i,K(i),'xr');hold on
Since the information you gave is not enough, the code above needs to be modified according to W and K,....