I found out about chart.js and I am looking to use a doughnut chart for my website, I found a example where I can take the basics from : https://jsfiddle.net/9wp4f693/2/
<There is no native ChartJS API for drawing an image inside a donut chart.
But you can manually add the images after the chart has been drawn.
For each wedge in the donut:
Warning: untested code ... some tweaking might be required
Translate inward to the middle of the donut.
// calculate donut center (cx,cy) & translate to it
var cx=chart.width/2;
var cy=chart.height/2;
Rotate to the mid-angle of the target donut-wedge
var startAngle = chart.segments[thisWedgeIndex].startAngle;
var endAngle = chart.segments[thisWedgeIndex].endAngle;
var midAngle = startAngle+(endAngle-startAngle)/2;
// rotate by the midAngle
Translate outward to the midpoint of the target donut-wedge:
// given the donut radius (innerRadius) and donut radius (radius)
var midWedgeRadius=chart.innerRadius+(chart.radius-chart.innerRadius)/2;
Draw the image offset by half the image width & height:
// given the image width & height
Clean up the transformations by resetting the transform matrix to default:
// undo translate & rotate