I\'m parsing data with json, and i want to pass model_id to ActiveSubViewController / id_model. What am i doing wrong?
// ViewController.swift
// Copyright
Do make a separate property var model_id : String = "" in the starting of your class and then use the prepare
function outside your LoginBtnTapped
function :
Here it is :
// ViewController.swift
// Copyright © 2017 smokzz. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SwiftMessages
import Alamofire
class ViewController: UIViewController,UIAlertViewDelegate {
@IBOutlet var myTableView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var EmailField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var PasswordField: UITextField!
var model_id : String = ""
@IBAction func LoginBtnTapped(_ sender: Any) {
let userEmail = EmailField.text!
let userPassword = PasswordField.text!
if((userEmail.isEmpty) || (userPassword.isEmpty)){
// createAlert(title: "Oops! ", message: "Email or Password field is empty")
let view = MessageView.viewFromNib(layout: .CardView)
let iconText = ["
Make string variable in your AppDelegate Like
var Model_id = String()
and where you are getting value of username and userid sends its value to AppDelegate. make AppDelgate object like below and same in destinationViewController
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
to pass value to app delegate variable
self.appDelegate. Model_id = "your Value"
and get your values wherever you want to fetch like below
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
let string = appDelegate. Model_id as! String
Please Use This Updated Code.
import UIKit
import SwiftMessages
import Alamofire
class ViewController: UIViewController,UIAlertViewDelegate {
@IBOutlet var myTableView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var EmailField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var PasswordField: UITextField!
var model_id = ""
@IBAction func LoginBtnTapped(_ sender: Any) {
let userEmail = EmailField.text!
let userPassword = PasswordField.text!
if((userEmail.isEmpty) || (userPassword.isEmpty)){
// createAlert(title: "Oops! ", message: "Email or Password field is empty")
let view = MessageView.viewFromNib(layout: .CardView)
let iconText = ["