NOTE that I\'m not asking how to align items in navbr menu (left or right), but how to dynamically move items from navbar to dropdown.
I\'m using Bootst
Above response from @Zim works as I expected. Thank you, @Zim! I've made some changes for my project's needs, like:
Demo here
$(function() {
var autocollapse = function (menu, maxHeight) {
var nav = $(menu);
if ($(window).width() <= 768) {
$(menu + ' .additional-dropdown-menu').children(menu + ' li').each(function() {
_moveDropdownItemToNavbar(this, nav, menu);
$(menu + ' .additional-menu').hide();
else {
$(menu + ' .additional-menu').show();
var navHeight = nav.innerHeight();
if (navHeight >= maxHeight) {
while (navHeight > maxHeight) {
var children = nav.children(menu + ' li:not(:last-child)');
var count = children.length;
$(children[count - 1]).prependTo(menu + ' .additional-dropdown-menu').removeClass("nav-item").find("a").toggleClass("nav-link dropdown-item");
navHeight = nav.innerHeight();
$(menu + ' .additional-dropdown-menu .extra-divider').removeClass("d-md-none"); //show the extra divider when items is added to the additional dropdown
else {
var collapsed = $(menu + ' .additional-dropdown-menu').children(menu + ' li');
if (collapsed.not(".additional-item-locked").length == 0) { //if there are only locked items - hide the extra divider.
$(menu + ' .additional-dropdown-menu .extra-divider').addClass("d-md-none");
while (navHeight < maxHeight && (nav.children(menu + ' li').length > 0) && collapsed.length > 0) {
collapsed = $(menu + ' .additional-dropdown-menu').children('li:not(.additional-item-locked)');
_moveDropdownItemToNavbar(collapsed[0], nav, menu);
navHeight = nav.innerHeight();
if (navHeight > maxHeight) {
autocollapse(menu, maxHeight);
function _moveDropdownItemToNavbar(item, nav, menu) {
$(item).insertBefore(nav.children(menu + ' li:last-child')).addClass("nav-item").find("a").toggleClass("nav-link dropdown-item");
autocollapse('#navbar > ul', 50);
// when the window is resized
$(window).on('resize', function () {
autocollapse('#navbar > ul', 50);
Instead use height to detect when the Navbar items have wrapped. You'll may need to adjust the JS to accomodate the other menu items (About, Help, Sign-out). Here's the jQuery function for Bootstrap 4...
var autocollapse = function (menu,maxHeight) {
var nav = $(menu);
var navHeight = nav.innerHeight();
if (navHeight >= maxHeight) {
$(menu + ' .dropdown').removeClass('d-none');
while (navHeight > maxHeight) {
var children = nav.children(menu + ' li:not(:last-child)');
var count = children.length;
$(children[count - 1]).prependTo(menu + ' .dropdown-menu');
navHeight = nav.innerHeight();
else {
var collapsed = $(menu + ' .dropdown-menu').children(menu + ' li');
if (collapsed.length===0) {
$(menu + ' .dropdown').addClass('d-none');
while (navHeight < maxHeight && (nav.children(menu + ' li').length > 0) && collapsed.length > 0) {
collapsed = $(menu + ' .dropdown-menu').children('li');
$(collapsed[0]).insertBefore(nav.children(menu + ' li:last-child'));
navHeight = nav.innerHeight();
if (navHeight > maxHeight) {
$(document).ready(function () {
// when the page laods
// when the window is resized
$(window).on('resize', function () {
Related: Bootstrap navbar hide menu elements when resizing