data Task = Task
{ id :: String
, description :: String
, dependsOn :: [String]
, dependentTasks :: [String]
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToJSON, F
Make a data type for your functions and an evaluation function:
data TaskFunction = AddTask Task | RemoveTask String
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
eval :: TaskFunction -> Storage -> Storage
eval (AddTask t) = addTask t
eval (RemoveTask t) = removeTask t
changes = [AddTask (Task "1" "Description" [] []), RemoveTask "1"]
main = putStrLn . show $ foldl (\s c -> c s) s (eval <$> changes)
Reading between the lines a bit, a recurring question here is, "Why can't I serialize a function (easily)?" The answer -- which several people have mentioned, but not explained clearly -- is that Haskell is dedicated to referential transparency. Referential transparency says that you can replace a definition with its defined value (and vice versa) without changing the meaning of the program.
So now, let's suppose we had a hypothetical serializeFunction
, which in the presence of this code:
foo x y = x + y + 3
Would have this behavior:
> serializeFunction (foo 5)
"foo 5"
I guess you wouldn't object too strenuously if I also claimed that in the presence of
bar x y = x + y + 3
we would "want" this behavior:
> serializeFunction (bar 5)
"bar 5"
And now we have a problem, because by referential transparency
serializeFunction (foo 5)
= { definition of foo }
serializeFunction (\y -> 5 + y + 3)
= { definition of bar }
serializeFunction (bar 5)
but "foo 5"
does not equal "bar 5"
The obvious followup question is: why do we demand referential transparency? There are at least two good reasons: first, it allows equational reasoning like above, hence eases the burden of refactoring; and second, it reduces the amount of runtime information that's needed, hence improving performance.
Of course, if you can come up with a representation of functions that respects referential transparency, that poses no problems. Here are some ideas in that direction:
printing the type of the function
instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Show (a -> b) where
show = show . typeOf
-- can only write a Read instance for trivial functions
printing the input-output behavior of the function (which can also be read back in)
creating a data type that combines a function with its name, and then printing that name
data Named a = Named String a
instance Show (Named a) where
show (Named n _) = n
-- perhaps you could write an instance Read (Map String a -> Named a)
(and see also cloud haskell for a more complete working of this idea)
constructing an algebraic data type that can represent all the expressions you care about but contains only basic types that already have a Show
instance and serializing that (e.g. as described in the other answer)
But printing a bare function's name is in conflict with referential transparency.