What I have done is created an XML file with a list of several thousand search terms that I need to perform on a document. I then created this query, from a sample set of searc
let $reults :=
let $pKeywords := ('best clients', 'Very', '20')
for $kw in $pKeywords
/*/entry[contains(comment, concat('!', $kw))],
/*/entry[contains(comment, $kw)]
[not(position() gt 2)]
for $i in (1 to count($results))
subsequence($results/comment, $i, 1),
subsequence($results/buyer, $i, 1)
Returns the correct solution:
<comment>The client is only 20 years old. Do not be surprised by his youth.</comment>
<comment>Very personable. One of our best clients.</comment>
<comment>!Very difficult to reach, but one of our top buyers.</comment>
<comment>A bit of an eccentric. One of our best clients.</comment>