I want to fetch all 3rd level nodes(4,5,6 and 7 in below pic) and its relationships along with its parent node details In the below example:
ID : 7
So If you want to get all nodes of parent then use below query
Match (n)-[r]-() OPTIONAL MATCH (parent:ParentNodeType)<-[r1*]-(child) return n,r,COLLECT(parent) as parent
As you mentioned in comment you are looking for 3rd level parent so you can give level number also whatever you want to get. Please see below query for specific level
Match (n)-[r]-() OPTIONAL MATCH (parent:ParentNodeType)<-[r1*3]-(child) return n,r,COLLECT(parent) as parent
and as per my understanding you do not need to write this long query. check below query if you are getting your required result
MATCH (p)<-[r*3]-(c) return p,r,c
This is a typical path query. If you link it to both child and root, you only have to retrieve a single path. Below I assume that you pass myid
as a parameter and that you have linked the nodes using :HAS_CHILD
// the path pattern
MATCH path=(root)-[:HAS_CHILD*]->(child)
// limiting the search
WHERE NOT ()-[:HAS_CHILD]->(root)
AND child.ID = $myid
//returning the results
// return the IDs, except the last one, because it is the node you started from
UNWIND nodes(path)[..-1] AS node
RETURN node.ID AS parent