How to run test using VS on iOS simulator(on mac)

后端 未结 1 1037
伪装坚强ぢ 2021-01-28 04:47

Just started investigate the Xamarin Test Cloud. I want to write a simple test using VS and run this test on iOS simulator, which is running on Mac machine. I\'ve connected to X

  • It isn't possible at this time to launch iOS tests on the simulator (running on your Mac) from Visual Studio - you'd have to start the tests from Xamarin Studio on the Mac itself to be able to run the tests in the simulator or on a device.

    UITest is the Automated UI Acceptance Testing framework based on Calabash that allows programmers to write and execute tests in C# - more info can be found at this link.

    Test Cloud is a service that allows you to run tests written with UITest (or Calabash) on over 2,000 devices that we host ourselves (so you can test against various different OS versions / types of hardware). - more info can be found at this link.

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