I am getting error in element wise weighted averaging between 2 layers in cnn My base model is
model_base = Sequential()
# Conv Layer 1
given your base_model
this the correct way to build the code block below...
l1 = model_base.layers[2].output
l1 = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(l1)
c2 = model_base.layers[4].output
c2 = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(c2)
c3 = model_base.layers[6].output
c = c3.shape[-1] ### this is important for the dimesionality
l1 = Dense(c)(l1)
c2 = Dense(c)(c2)
c13 = Lambda(lambda lam: K.squeeze(K.map_fn(lambda xy: K.dot(xy[0], xy[1]),
elems=(lam[0], K.expand_dims(lam[1], -1)), dtype='float32'), 3), name='cdp1')([c3, l1]) # batch*x*y
c23 = Lambda(lambda lam: K.squeeze(K.map_fn(lambda xy: K.dot(xy[0], xy[1]),
elems=(lam[0], K.expand_dims(lam[1], -1)), dtype='float32'), 3), name='cdp2')([c3, c2]) # batch*x*y
flatc13 = Flatten(name='flatc1')(c13) # batch*xy
flatc23 = Flatten(name='flatc2')(c23) # batch*xy
a1 = Activation('softmax', name='softmax1')(flatc13) # batch*xy
a2 = Activation('softmax', name='softmax2')(flatc23) # batch*xy
reshaped = Reshape((-1,c), name='reshape1')(c3) # batch*xy*c
g1 = Lambda(lambda lam: K.squeeze(K.batch_dot(K.expand_dims(lam[0], 1), lam[1]), 1),
name='g1')([a1,reshaped]) # batch*c
g2 = Lambda(lambda lam: K.squeeze(K.batch_dot(K.expand_dims(lam[0], 1), lam[1]), 1),
name='g2')([a2,reshaped]) # batch*c
pay attention to the dimensionality (in your case you can't operate with 512 but with 256, this is handled automatically by the c
variable). pay attention also to the order of the layer used in the Lambda operations (for example in c13 it's ([c3, l1])
and not ([l1, c3])
here the running notebook: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1m0pB5GlYRtIsOnHUTz6LxRQblcvtVU3Y?usp=sharing