I\'m trying to learn more about Tensorflowjs, but sadly I\'m stuck getting my Keras NLP Model converted to Tensorflowjs.
This is what I\'m trying to convert:
Actually, I ran into the same problem while classifying text on Android. I had the model ( tflite ) ready to use, but how can I tokenize the sentences just as Keras did in Python.
I found a simple solution which I have discussed here ( for Android ).
The simple idea is to convert the
vocabulary to a JSON file. This JSON file could be parsed in any of the programming languages including JavaScript.
The Tokenizer holds a object called word_index
index = tokenizer.word_index
The word_index object is a dict which can be converted to JSON like,
import json
with open( 'word_dict.json' , 'w' ) as file:
json.dump( tokenizer.word_index , file )
The JSON file contains pairs of words and indexes. You can parse it in JavaScript as mentioned in this link.