On the webpage I have iframe, in which I display some content.
I want to run a function if any key is pressed inside iframe (iframe is editable).
I can do it using a
I guess you meant "do it without using the script manager"?
You can do it this way (use attactEvent/addEventListener):
<script type="text/javascript">
function Init() {
var _win = document.getElementById("iView").contentWindow;
var _doc = _win.document;
_doc.designMode = "on";
if(_doc.addEventListener) {// if support addEventListener
_doc.addEventListener("keyup", frameKeyUp, true)
else { //For IE
_doc.attachEvent("onkeyup", frameKeyUp);
function frameKeyUp(e){
<body onload="Init()" >
<iframe id="iView" style="width: 434px; height:371px"></iframe>
Or using jQuery's event handler for "keyup":
//... do your stuff here ..
//use event.keyCode to get the asscoiated key
More info on keyboard event arg can be found here and here.