I have a huge .csv
file like this :
Transcript Id Gene Id(name) Mirna Name miTG score
ENST00000286800 ENSG00000156273 (BACH1) hsa-let-7a-5p 1
Using this test data:
Lines <- " Transcript Id Gene Id(name) Mirna Name miTG score
ENST00000286800 ENSG00000156273 (BACH1) hsa-let-7a-5p 1
UTR3 21:30717114-30717142 0.05994568
UTR3 21:30717414-30717442 0.13591267
ENST00000345080 ENSG00000187772 (LIN28B) hsa-let-7a-5p 1
UTR3 6:105526681-105526709 0.133514751"
read it all in and set the names, nms
for the output. Then calculate the grouping vector, cs
, using a cumulative sum. non-duplicates are the first row of each group and duplicates are the following rows. Merge these two sets of rows by group and extract out the highest MRE_score
in each group:
DF <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE, fill = TRUE, as.is = TRUE,
check.names = FALSE)
nms <- c("cs", names(DF)[1:5], "UTR3", "MRE_score") # out will have these names
DF$cs <- cumsum(!is.na(DF$Mirna)) # groups each ENST row with its UTR3 rows
dup <- duplicated(DF$cs) # FALSE for ENST rows and TRUE for UTR3 rows
both <- merge(DF[!dup, ], DF[dup, ], by = "cs")[c(1:6, 11:12)] # merge ENST & UTR3 rows
names(both) <- nms
both$MRE_score <- as.numeric(both$MRE_score)
Rank <- function(x) rank(x, ties.method = "first")
out <- both[ave(-both$MRE_score, both$cs, FUN = Rank) == 1, -1] # only keep largest score
Here we get:
> out
Transcript Id Gene Id(name) Mirna UTR3 MRE_score
2 ENST00000286800 ENSG00000156273 (BACH1) hsa-let-7a-5p 1 21:30717414-30717442 0.1359127
3 ENST00000345080 ENSG00000187772 (LIN28B) hsa-let-7a-5p 1 6:105526681-105526709 0.1335148
Note that the question refers to a CDS
column but what it is is not described nor does it appear in the example output so we ignored it.
You could try to structure the CSV using regular expressions:
textfile <- "ENST00000286800 ENSG00000156273 (BACH1) hsa-let-7a-5p 1
UTR3 21:30717114-30717142 0.05994568
UTR3 21:30717414-30717442 0.13591267
ENST00000345080 ENSG00000187772 (LIN28B) hsa-let-7a-5p 1
UTR3 6:105526681-105526709 0.133514751"
txt <- readLines(textConnection(textfile))
sepr <- grepl("^ENST.*", txt)
r <- rle(sepr)
r <- r$lengths[!r$values]
regex <- "(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s(\\([^)]+\\)\\s+\\S+)\\s+(\\d+)"
m <- regexec(regex, txt[sepr])
m1 <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(regmatches(txt[sepr], m), "[", 2:5)))
m1 <- m1[rep(1:nrow(m1), r),]
regex <- "(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)"
m <- regexec(regex, txt[!sepr])
m2 <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(regmatches(txt[!sepr], m), "[", 2:4)))
df <- cbind(m1, m2[,-1])
names(df) <- c("Transcript Id", "Gene Id(name)", "Mirna Name", "miTG score", "UTR3", "MRE_score" )
rownames(df) <- NULL
# Transcript Id Gene Id(name) Mirna Name miTG score UTR3 MRE_score
# 1 ENST00000286800 ENSG00000156273 (BACH1) hsa-let-7a-5p 1 21:30717114-30717142 0.05994568
# 2 ENST00000286800 ENSG00000156273 (BACH1) hsa-let-7a-5p 1 21:30717414-30717442 0.13591267
# 3 ENST00000345080 ENSG00000187772 (LIN28B) hsa-let-7a-5p 1 6:105526681-105526709 0.133514751