Suppose I had the string \"1 AND 2 AND 3 OR 4\", and want to create an array of strings that contains all substrings \"AND\" or \"OR\", in order, found within the string.
<string rule = "1 AND 2 AND 3 OR 4";
string pattern = "(AND|OR)";
MatchCollection conditions = Regex.Matches(rule, pattern);
Use Match.Value to get the string.
Here's a goofy way that I came up with:
string rule = "1 AND 2 AND 3 OR 4";
List<string> andsOrs = new List<string>();
string[] split = rule.Split();
for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
if (split[i] == "AND" || split[i] == "OR")
string[] conditions = andsOrs.ToArray();
return conditions;
This regex (.NET) seems to do what you want. You're looking for the matches (multiple) in the group at index=1:
EDIT I've tested the following and it seems to do what you want. It's more lines than i would like but it approaches the task in a purely regex fashion (which IMHO is what you should be doing):
string text = "1 AND 2 AND 3 OR 4";
string pattern = @"AND|OR";
Regex r = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Match m = r.Match(text);
ArrayList results = new ArrayList();
while (m.Success)
m = m.NextMatch();
string[] matchesStringArray = (string[])results.ToArray(typeof(string));
Your probably looking for a tokeniser or Lexer, have a look at the following article:
C# Regular Expression Recipes—A Better Tokenizer
Since you know the exact substring you're looking for... why not just use IndexOf(substr, iOffset) to know the number of occurances (loop till it returns -1) ??
Depending on the complexity of your task, it could be simpler/faster than using regular expressions (since you're not matching patterns).