I have a RichTextBox
bound to a string.
Using C# I generate a string that writes to it.
But if I want to manually change the text by clicking into t
When you edit the RichTextBox, you alter the elements inside of the FlowDocument element. The element you have a binding on, is probably removed at some point during this editing. Have a look at RichtTextBox.Document.Groups to see what's happening when you edit the RichTextBox.
The default RichTextBox does not really support MVVM/Binding very well. You'd want to have a binding on the Document property, but this is not supported for the default RichTextBox. You could have a look here.
Or extend it yourself, something like this?:
BindableRichTextBox class
public class BindableRichTextBox : RichTextBox
public static readonly DependencyProperty DocumentProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(Document), typeof(FlowDocument), typeof(BindableRichTextBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, OnDocumentChanged));
public new FlowDocument Document
get => (FlowDocument)GetValue(DocumentProperty);
set => SetValue(DocumentProperty, value);
public static void OnDocumentChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
var rtb = (RichTextBox)obj;
rtb.Document = args.NewValue != null ? (FlowDocument)args.NewValue : new FlowDocument();
<controls:BindableRichTextBox Document="{Binding YourFlowDocumentObject, Mode=OneWay}"/>
Then you can get the string from the FlowDocument.
Why you have to write this line. Please remove line after check.
if (_ScriptView_Text == value)