I am drilling down Internet to get Vbscript code, where input is read from text file one per line and pass it to the commands in script. I am just a beginner and need help with
This allow to read from arguments collection and from standard input when -
is passed as argument
Dim server
For Each server in WScript.Arguments.UnNamed
If server="-" Then
Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream
WScript.Echo "Redirected: " + WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
WScript.Echo "Argument: " + server
End If
This allow to still pass arguments in the command line, and, if any of the arguments is a dash, the stantdard input is read. This will allow you to do any of the following
Usual argument pass
cscript checkServers.vbs server1 server2
Arguments and piped input
type servers.txt | cscript checkServers.vbs server1 server2 -
Only redirected input
cscript checkServers.vbs - < servers.txt
Redirected input and arguments
< servers.txt cscript checkServers.vbs - serverx
Or any other needed combination of arguments and standard input
type servers.txt | cscript checkservers.vbs server1 server2 - aditionalServer
EDITED to answer to comments
Option Explicit
Dim strServer
If WScript.Arguments.UnNamed.Length < 1 Then
CheckServerUpdateStatus "localhost"
For Each strServer in WScript.Arguments.UnNamed
If strServer="-" Then
Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream
strServer = Trim(WScript.StdIn.ReadLine)
If Len(strServer) > 0 Then CheckServerUpdateStatus strServer
CheckServerUpdateStatus strServer
End If
End If
Obviously, you need to maintain your CheckServerUpdateStatus
function, this code only handles the parameter input.
If you are trying to get the pending windows update installs for a bunch of computers, you can use this in Powershell:
$computers = gc text_file_of_computers.txt
ForEach ($computer in $computers) {
("-" * 30)+"`n" # Horizontal line
Write-Host "Patches not yet installed for $($computer)" -f "Yellow"
Get-Hotfix -co $computer| Where {$_.InstalledOn -eq $null}
"`n"+("-" * 30) # Horizontal line
As you can see, we only show patches which have a $null
value for InstalledOn
, which means they have not been installed as yet.