I have a successful build operating. Now I would like to have the build definition publish the site to my staging location. I tried to use a publishing profile that functions
Just as mentioned in the error message FTP is not supported on msbuild command line.
You should switch to a PowerShell solution, you can reference below PS sample to upload the build via FTP. See more details here.
$ftpWebRequest = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]::Create((New-Object System.Uri("ftp://your_ftp_server")))
$ftpWebRequest.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::UploadFile
$inputStream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($filePath)
$outputStream = $ftpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
[byte[]]$buffer = New-Object byte[] 131072;
$totalReadBytesCount = 0;
while (($readBytesCount = $inputStream.Read($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length)) -gt 0)
$outputStream.Write($buffer, 0, $readBytesCount)
$totalReadBytesCount += $readBytesCount
$progress = [int]($totalReadBytesCount * 100.0 / $inputStream.Length)
Write-Progress -Activity "Uploading file..." -PercentComplete $progress -CurrentOperation "$progress% complete" -Status "Please wait."
$outputStream = $null;
Write-Progress -Activity "Uploading file..." -Completed -Status "Done!"
You can also reference this article: Deploying Web Sites using TFS Deployer, PowerShell and FTP
That's just a sample, the $filePath should be your publish path, that means you can use msbuild to publish the website to local or UNC path, then call powershell to copy/upload all the files (including entire folder structure) from that path to FTP server. If above script not worked, you can also reference another script here to upload the entire directory : https://www.kittell.net/code/powershell-ftp-upload-directory-sub-directories/