To scrape a pool of URLs, I am paralell processing selenium with joblib. In this context, I am facing two challenges:
1) You should first create a bunch of drivers: one for each process. And pass an instance to the worker. I don't know how to pass drivers to an Prallel object, but you could use threading.current_thread().name
key to identify drivers. To do that, use backend="threading"
. So now each thread will has its own driver.
2) You don't need a loop at all. Parallel object itself iter all your urls (I hope I realy understend your intentions to use a loop)
import threading
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from selenium import webdriver
def scrape(URL):
driver = drivers[threading.current_thread().name]
except KeyError:
drivers[threading.current_thread().name] = webdriver.Firefox()
driver = drivers[threading.current_thread().name]
results = do_something(driver)
if results:
drivers = {}
Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend="threading")(delayed(scrape)(URL) for URL in URL_list)
for driver in drivers.values():
But I don't realy think you get profit in using n_job more than you have CPUs. So n_jobs=-1
is the best (of course I may be wrong, try it).