I have a dataframe like below:
Date <- as.Date(c(\'2017-10-16\',
A solution using dplyr
. We can use mutate_at
to specify the columns to conduct operations. lag
can change the position of the values for the calculation.
df2 <- df %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
mutate_at(vars(-Source), funs(Diff = . - lag(.))) %>%
# # A tibble: 10 x 6
# Date Source Revenue Cost Revenue_Diff Cost_Diff
# <date> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 2017-10-16 2017-11-29 206.88 100.88 NA NA
# 2 2017-10-16 2017-11-30 210.88 10.88 4 -90
# 3 2017-10-17 2017-11-29 194.13 85.13 NA NA
# 4 2017-10-17 2017-11-30 200.13 100.13 6 15
# 5 2017-10-18 2017-11-29 170.00 170.00 NA NA
# 6 2017-10-18 2017-11-30 170.00 100.00 0 -70
# 7 2017-10-19 2017-11-29 746.65 46.65 NA NA
# 8 2017-10-19 2017-11-30 736.65 50.65 -10 4
# 9 2017-10-20 2017-11-29 772.00 23.00 NA NA
# 10 2017-10-20 2017-11-30 772.00 24.00 0 1