I am having difficulties with my code. What I am trying to do is when the Number in cell D8 goes up it will unhide a block of rows. Here is the following code:
This is a little bit of a guess as I'm not quite sure what all the variables in your code example are for.
Example Workbook Here
Open the VBA Editor (Alt+F11)
Insert the following Sub into a module (in the VBA Editor, in the main menu, Insert->Module)
Sub Toggle_Rows()
Dim Sheet As Worksheet: Set Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Change Sheet1 to the name of your sheet
Select Case CStr(Sheet.Range("D8").Value2)
Case "2"
Sheet.Rows("17:36").Hidden = True
Sheet.Rows("10:16").Hidden = False
Case "3"
Sheet.Rows("21:37").Hidden = True
Sheet.Rows("10:20").Hidden = False
Case "4"
Sheet.Rows("25:37").Hidden = True
Sheet.Rows("10:24").Hidden = False
Case "5"
Sheet.Rows("29:37").Hidden = True
Sheet.Rows("10:29").Hidden = False
Case "6"
Sheet.Rows("33:37").Hidden = True
Sheet.Rows("10:33").Hidden = False
Case "7"
Sheet.Rows("10:37").Hidden = False
Sheet.Rows("55:56").Hidden = True
Case Else
' none
End Select
End Sub
Now In the "Project Explorer" (usually on the left of the VBA Editor) open the code module for the worksheet you are working with (Sheet1 in my example) add the following code.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Msgbox Prompt:="Target.Address=" & Target.Address ' remove this line after debugging.
If Target.Address = "$D$8" Then
End If
End Sub
Please ensure you've copied the code into the correct modules! I've added one line to the Worksheet_Change
sub for debugging purposes. Please add it to your code, change the value in D8
and tell me what is displayed in the message box.
I think you may have re-named Worksheet_Change
to Unhide_Rows
in your code example, which you cannot do. (you can, but it will no longer work as it did)
Also, Subs that do not have arguments can be run from the VBA code editor. Subs WITH arguments (like yours) cannot, as there is no way to specify the argument unless you use the immediate window or have another sub (without arguments) that calls it for you.
Sub HelloWorld(ByVal Text As String) ' cant be run directly
Debug.print "Hello World! " & Text)
End Sub
Sub CallHello() ' can be run directly in the vba editor
HelloWorld "Im Alive!"
End Sub
You could also call "HelloWorld" using the Immediate window.
HelloWorld "Im Alive!" (press enter)
Update 2
Your scrollbar isn't triggering the Worksheet_Change
event, im not sure that you can make them do this.
However, the scroll bar has its own change event sub.
Open the code module for the worksheet the scrollbar is on (Sheet2 I believe) In the top left dropdown box (where it says "(general)") there will be an item for your scrollbar ("ScrollBar1" unless you renamed it). Selecting this should add the change event code, if not you will need to select "Change" from the right-hand dropdown box.
Code like the following should work.
Private Sub ScrollBar1_Change()
End Sub