I have been trying to add the individual digits of a larger number for a while now, and I\'m having some trouble. I was wondering if anyone could help me.
For example, s
Treat it as a string, and sum
the individual numbers. Slice if you need to.
Out[183]: 15
Out[184]: 5
As a more verbose method than sum()
Simply get each char in the string, make it a number and add it.
total = 0 #Have total number
bigNumber = str(45858383) #Convert our big number to a string
for number in bigNumber: #for each little number in our big number
total = total + int(number) #add that little number to our total
print(total) #Print our total
And if you'd like to do only certain spots:
total = 0 #Have total number
bigNumber = str(123456789) #Convert our big number to a string
startPlace = 2 #Start
endPlace = 4 #End
for i in xrange(startPlace,endPlace): #have i keep track of where we are, between start and end
total = total + int(bigNumber[i]) #Get that one spot, and add it to the total
print(total) #Print our total
one more alternative is to use build in list([iterable]) function
bigNumber = '23455869654325768906857463553522367235'
print sum(int(x) for x in list(bigNumber))
print sum(int(x) for x in list(bigNumber)[5:11])