I need to print the values inside Identificador tags from this Url https://clip.unl.pt/sprs?lg=pt&year=2013&uo=97747&srv=rsu&p=1&tp=s&md=3&rs=8145&am
Instead of your custom download_file_content() function, i used file_get_contents() and passed the xml string on to SimpleXMLElement. Hope that points you in the right direction. Consider splitting the functionality in two methods: a) buildURL() b) fetchXMLContent().
$xmlContent = file_get_contents('https://clip.unl.pt/sprs?lg=pt&year=2013&uo=97747&srv=rsu&p=1&tp=s&md=3&rs=8145&it=1030123459');
$xmlObj = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlContent);
foreach($xmlObj->unidade_curricular->inscritos->aluno as $aluno){
$result= $aluno->identificador;
echo $result;
To answer your comment: that involves another problem! Your domains is a HTTPS domain, so you need to tell cURL how to handle that. I've created an example, which solves all the mentioned problems and demonstrates cURL usage.
function buildURL($year, $period, $typeperiod, $course)
return 'https://clip.unl.pt/sprs?lg=pt&year='.$year.'&uo=97747&srv=rsu&p='.$period.'&tp='.$typeperiod.'&md=3&rs='.$course.'&it=1030123459';
function doRequest_with_FileGetContents($url)
return file_get_contents($url);
function doRequest_with_cURL($url) {
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
// your domain is a HTTPS domain, so you need to tell curl how to deal with SSL verifications
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
return $data;
function processXML($xmlContent)
$xmlObj = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlContent);
foreach($xmlObj->unidade_curricular->inscritos->aluno as $aluno){
$result= $aluno->identificador;
echo $result;
// Ok. Lets test..
// some testing values, i guess these will come from a formular
$year = '2013';
$period = '1';
$typeperiod = 's';
$course = '8145';
// a) build URL
$url = buildURL($year, $period, $typeperiod, $course);
// b) fetch content
$content_a = doRequest_with_cURL($url);
$content_b = doRequest_with_FileGetContents($url);
// c) process content (should be the same)
echo "\nRequest with cURL\n";
echo "\nRequest with file_get_contents()\n";